Subconscious Programming and Health

Did you know that your actions are the result of your subconscious programming? This is because our conscious mind operates only 5% of the time whereas our subconscious mind operates 95% of the time. Now, add the following facts about your subconscious programming:

  1. From the third trimester and up until the age of 7, your subconscious mind remains wide open to everything around you (in a theta state, or similar to a constant hypnotic state).
  2. The first 7 years of your life is what shapes your perception of the world around you today – unless you consciously changed your subconscious programming.
  3. You have a multitude of habits and paradigms that have been imprinted into you ever since you were born. And get this, they were other people’s beliefs and paradigms!
  4. Unless you realise that you can use your conscious mind to think, and you can use your mental faculties to process what works and what doesn’t work for you, your subconscious mind continues to operate as if you were a child, believing what you want to believe in whilst ignoring other facts or realities that do not resonate with your subconscious programming.

Dr Candace Pert explained how our cells also behave in a pattern that is similar to the operation of our subconscious mind. She found that “the body’s “information system” has two major elements-the chemical substances known as neuropeptides and the receptors into which they fit. Neuropeptides are produced by nerve cells in the brain, and when they lock into their receptors, which are attached to other cells in the body, they make something happen (or prevent it from happening)…These findings lead Pert to a series of provocative conclusions, among them that mind and body-bound together, as it were, by the talk of the neuropeptides, are best understood as an integrated entity that she calls Bodymind.” Dr Pert’s findings have some profound indications of how our reality is not only in tied to the programming of our subconscious mind, but that our biology also behave in the same manner. In other words, just as our mind only sees what we are on the look-out for,  our cells have also been programmed to behave in an “auto-pilot” mode, until the day we make a conscious decision to change the cells’ behaviour!

Listen to what Dr Bruce Lipton has to say about truth, and how we have been programmed about our health from a young age:


Think about this. If this is how most of us have been programmed to think about our health – to believe that we are NOT perfect, that we are NOT whole and that we have no ability to heal without external intervention – and you add to the fact that most of us have been taught that we are insufficient, inadequate or that other people’s opinions (especially that of a professional) matters more than our opinions of ourselves, you have the perfect concoction to meet a professional’s prognosis of your condition, particularly since a medical professional’s prognosis is based on statistics which have been collated over a period of time.

This is NOT to say that you should not believe another professional in your life. On the contrary, this should give you the understanding and the empowerment to believe that YOU CAN HEAL with the correct medical treatment plan and belief system about yourself. Your treatment plan helps to put you back on track and prolongs your life so that you can start working on believing in yourself, in rediscovering the true power that you are.

Doctors and other medical professionals are important, but what is also vitally important in your belief in yourself!  Because without it, what’s there to stop your condition from recurring? Nothing! Nothing happens until you’ve learnt your lesson and realise the gift that it contains, or as Dr Darren Weissman says, realise your “gifts in strange wrapping paper.” Nothing happens until you’ve awakened to the fact that everything happens for a reason, and allow whatever good to come to you, despite what it looks like in its current state. Your condition can only begin to go on its upturn when you change the programming of your subconscious mind.

Here’s an example of my gift in strange wrapping paper. My son was a perfectly healthy, cheeky boy who turned into a a toddler who couldn’t even turn in bed and was choking on his saliva, in a matter of 4 months! He was hospitalised with a rare autoimmune condition, with no family history to speak of. Being on meds, I found that the only thing I could do to help him was to take him to an energy healer rather than completely change his diet to having “no dairy, no meat, no sugar, no salt, no wheat, or no filtered water.” And this is the strange wrapping paper effect: his condition sparked a search in my own life. At first, I went down the “blame avenue,” blaming everything from food to water to vaccinations (which I included in his hospital file because I  believed that it should be recorded somewhere). But that only got me down an endless vortex of fear and misery because the underlying motivation of my search was based on fear.

Then, one day it hit me in the face. So what if I accept things as they are and move forth from this point on? What if everything that has happened on this physical plane occurred for a reason, because after all, I don’t believe in coincidences and I believe in soul contracts? What if I let the past go, and focus on the now and the future? And that is how I ended up where I am today. I looked at my past, all that has happened and begin to see how everything that happened taught me a lesson in life, how they all correlate with one another. Most importantly, I learned that healing is beyond the physical and that we are more than just biochemical beings on this plane. My son taught me that it’s cool to be yourself, that you don’t have to live by other people’s judgement of who you should be, and that the most important thing is to believe in your own abilities to overcome any situation that you encounter. He also taught me the true meaning of love, about being grateful for what you have, and he took my mind off being focused on the physical, material world.

You are not doomed by your subconscious programming. You CAN reprogram your subconscious mind, just as I have, but it requires more than just positive thoughts alone. Why? Let’s look at the stickperson diagram that Dr Fleet devised back in 1934, the backbone behind PGI’s teachings.


It needs to be understood that although the conscious and subconscious mind look to be separate from the body, as Dr Pert showed in her research, the Bodymind are one integrated. As Bob Proctor says, “Mind is in every cell of the body, but we’ve got to have a picture (in our mind to understand how we can change our subconscious mind).” The illustration shows that the body is an instrument of the mind – it does EXACTLY what the mind tells it to do. The conscious mind operates based on ideas and has the ability to accept or reject. The 5 antennas represent our physical senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. The subconscious mind operates based on emotions and has no ability to reject.

When you think positive thoughts, they are merely ideas that remain on your conscious mind. The only way to impress the positive thoughts into your subconscious mind is via your feelings and emotions.

Here’s another important fact to know about your emotions. Most spiritual teachers like Abraham-Hicks and Anita Moorjani advocate that we do not suppress our negative emotions, but rather, allow them to come through to the surface so that we truly feel them. The key, however, is NOT to get dragged down by the negative emotions that you feel, but to know instead that are always opposing ends in the spectrum of our emotions. That way, we can always search for the “good feeling” after feeling “down and out” because of what we have been through. Even Dr Pert said in her book “Molecules of Emotions”:

“By simply acknowledging emotions, they are expressed. In being expressed, emotions can be released, even old emotions stored in body memory.  Allowing my emotions to surface into awareness and to be able to name my emotions is the beginning of emotional exploration. I am moving forward, trying to find my position within the family, within the community, and in life.”

You can reprogram your subconscious programming either by a sudden emotional impact, like the loss of a loved one or a sudden diagnosis of a terminal illness, OR you can continually impress your positive thoughts into your subconscious mind via repetition.

You are not doomed.

You are not a victim.

You should not be the one who “tiptoes through life, hoping to make it safely to death.”

Realise that you are the creator, writer, director and actor of YOUR own life. What do you wish to create? A vision of perfect health, abundance and happiness? Or a vision that follows your prognosis?