Reconnective Healing

In addition to Thinking Into Results, I am also a Reconnection-Certified Practitioner who facilitates Reconnective Healing (in person and distance) as well as The Reconnection (which can only be done in person).

I actually knew about RH before delving into TIR. The trigger was that although I knew that RH does work, only those who have learnt their life lessons would see instantaneous physical healings after their 1 to 3 sessions. Those who do not receive their “revelations” during the session tend to continue having the condition/ circumstance despite the sessions. Additionally, there are also those who are here with a condition as a life lesson for them as well as the soul contracts around them, but don’t realise this. 

I also wanted to extend my services to help those who did not have the instantaneous physical or emotional healings that they came to me for. That is when I found out not only about Bob Proctor, but also about Thinking Into Results which has made a remarkable improvement in my own life, along with the lives of those whom I have taught this to. 

For those who are open to experiencing Reconnective Healing to feel the new frequencies that it brings into your life, you can contact me below of click here for more information.