We are either growing or dying

You have control over your biology. Your subconscious mind is controlled by emotions, which instructs your brain to secrete particular neurochemicals within the body, forcing your cells to behave in particular ways.

We are a walking community of 50 trillion cells. We continue to grow every single day as hundreds of billions of cells are regenerated to replace the ones that have been used. Hence, it is important that we continue to produce growth hormones within our body, by coming from a place of JOY.

Happy thoughts forces good feelings and emotions to be impressed upon the subconscious mind, which then triggers the brain to release neurochemicals which support our continual growth.

The opposite is true for worry and doubtful thoughts. It impresses negative emotions onto the subconscious mind which triggers the brain to release neurochemicals to instruct our body to prepare for “war” and stress.

Bob Proctor and Dr Bruce Lipton both say the same thing: we are either growing or we’re dying. Our cells will either concentrate on growth, or it will prep up for war. We cannot produce BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. It’s similar to multitasking: it may look like we’re doing more than one thing at once, but psychologically, it just means that we have BURSTS of little focus here and there where they’re required. Another example is how we feel happy and sad at the same time; we don’t feel at together, we just switch very quickly between the 2 emotions.

Continual exposure to happy thoughts, through focusing on that which you desire, helps propel you to your consciously held idea, provided that your subconscious mind is being impressed with joyful thoughts. Your body then supports you by producing growth hormones on the physical level to keep you going.

The opposite is true if you continually believe in impressing negative emotions onto your subconscious because of your firmly held belief of negative thoughts in your conscious mind. Biologically, your cells go into protection mode, prepping you for war, and you don’t produce growth hormones to replace the cells which have been used up. Continual build up of stress hormones with no release creates havoc for your body.

As Dr Lipton said, our perception (and mind) is the “electronic switching station” for our biology.

So, what do you choose?