Live Fearlessly

“… that’s the biggest fear. The fear of being judged. The fear of being shamed. The fear of dissapointing other people. And that’s why we hide who we are. We don’t show who we are.” – Anita Moorjani

One of the takeaways from Anita’s near death experience was to live life fearlessly:

How are YOU living your life? Are you living in fear of what others think of you? If you are, chances are that you’re living from the OUTSIDE-IN

What Anita is advocating is similar to what spiritual teachings have been telling us to do: that we need to live from the INSIDE-OUT. Only then can we grow ourselves and be in alignment with who we truly are.

When we’re not in alignment with our true self of who we have come here to be, when our goals in life do not match our inner being, we could end up with dis-ease within our beings, which we need to “sort out” for ourselves.

When you’re living in alignment of who you have come here to be, you find solutions to problems and obstacles which you encounter. You become inspired to continue to live, driven by your passion to reach your goal. Living in  misalignment, living from the outside-in, removes us from being inspired (or as Dr Wayne Dyer used to say, in-spirit). We become uninspired to do the things which we have no passion for, and we end up in a rut, noticing everything that’s going wrong in our life.

We all have freewill. We are capable of changing our lives if we are not happy with where we are headed towards. Your past does not determine your future, unless you let it, and unfortunately, most of us do let it happen.

You have a choice. What do you choose?